Ada Apa Adam Bandt Pakai Pin Bintang Kejora Sambut Jokowi?
- Feb 13, 2020 11:35 pm
Pin Adam Bandt
The Presence of BP and Freeport Corporations, Papua Still Poor
- Feb 13, 2020 12:21 pm
The enforcement of justice and prosperity in the land of Papua has not been fulfilled to this day, this is what the Special Committee of Papua Dr. Filep Wamafma fought for in several Co-Corporations in Papua. They were summoned by the Papua Special Commit
This is the Voice of the Papua Special Committee of DPD RI to The Corporations in the Land of Papua
- Feb 13, 2020 11:00 am
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – Papua Special Committee DPD RI held a meeting with two companies and the government. The hearing was held at the Parliament complex, (02/12/2020). The meeting involving the Ministry of Manpower, British Petroleum Indonesia,
Ini Suara Pansus Papua DPD RI, Terhadap Koorporasi di Tanah Papua
- Feb 13, 2020 10:18 am
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – Pansus Papua DPD RI menggelar rapat dengan sejumlah Perusahan dan Pemerintah. Rapat dengar pendapat itu dilangsukan didalam komplek Parlemen,(12/2/2020). Pertemuan yang melibatkan kementrian Ketenagakerjaan, BP Indonesia,
Ketua DPR PB: Tahun ini, Rp 50 Miliar dari APBN Untuk Bangun Ruas Jalan Pegaf
- Feb 13, 2020 09:54 am
MANOKWARI, JAGAPAPUA.COM – Ketua DPR Papua Barat Orgenes Wonggor menyampaikan bahwa Wakil Menteri PUPR Jhon Wempi Wetipo menyampaikan kalau saat ini kabupaten Pegunungan Arfak (Pegaf) menerima suntikan APBN sebesar Rp 50 miliar untuk infrastruktur r
Sah, DPR Resmi Terima 79 Draf RUU Omnibus Law Ciptaker dari Pemerintah
- Feb 13, 2020 09:49 am
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) resmi menerima Draf Omnibus Law Cipta lapangan Kerja (Ciptaker) dari pemerintah. Penyerahan itu diwakili oleh enam kementeruian di Kabinet Indonesia Maju, di antaranya Menteri Koordinator Pereko
Tawaran PT Freeport Pernah Ditolak Karyawan Yang di PHK
- Feb 12, 2020 06:14 pm
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – Perusahaan tambang emas raksasa, PT. Freeport Indonesia mengungkapkan, permasalahan ribuan pekerja yang diPHK Freeport yang hingga kini masih dipersoalkan sejumlah pihak, justru pernah diberi tawaran kepada pihak pekerja untuk b
Senator Mamberob Sebut Freeport di Papua Masih Banyak Tinggalkan Kemiskinan
- Feb 12, 2020 06:08 pm
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – Ditengah problem pekerja Freeport yang di PHK hingga kini nasib mereka masih terkatung-katung, mendapat atensi serius Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD) Republik Indonesia (RI) dalam pertemuan Pansus Papua DPD RI bersama Manajemen Fr
Mamberob Senator Said Freeport in Papua Still Much Leaving Poverty
- Feb 12, 2020 04:59 pm
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – The issue of Freeport workers being dismissed, whose fate is still unclear, has received serious attention from the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in the Papua Special Committee DPD R
PT Freeport’s Offer Has Ever Been Rejected by Dismissed Employees
- Feb 12, 2020 03:02 pm
JAKARTA, JAGAPAPUA.COM – The giant gold mining company, PT Freeport Indonesia, revealed that the problem of thousands of workers dismissed by Freeport, which is currently still being disputed by several parties, actually Freeport ever made an offer